Labels:bulletin board | reckoner | sky | stairway OCR: aBCOefGhUJkl MNOPaRSTUVXYZ aBcoefGhUkl MNoPqRstUVWxyZ 0123456789 {]{} S::1 The quick BROWN cox Jimps OVER the Lazy DOO 18 the quick BROWN fox jumps OVER the LaZY DOG. The BROWN fox jumps OVER the LaZY DOG. The quick BROWN foX jumps OveR The LAZY DOG. The quick BRONN FoX jumps oveR The LXZY 5OQ 60 The quck BRONN FOX jumps OveR The The quick BRONN foX jumps ove ABcoecGhukl mNoPARstuvWxyz aBcdefGhukl Juops auck BRON sdani BRONvNl BROVN